Event 2025
Monday, January 20th, 11 am
Monday, January 20th, 11 am
All 5th , 6th , 7th , and 8th-grade students are invited to submit an essay on this year’s theme. Therewill be one winner picked from each grade level, and these winners will be announced inJanuary 2025. Winners will be given a Trophy and Gift Card during the Town of Paradise Valley Martin LutherKing Jr. Celebration […]
Highlights of the upcoming program: “Changing Hearts & Minds” 26th Anniversary —Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration, Town of Paradise Valley— Sheila Afnan-Manns, MC Anis-Nur Amini, Prayer for AmericaJerry Bien-Willner, Mayor Town of Paradise ValleySankofa Island Magic, Music Dr. Nafys Samandari, Bahá’í SpeakerDr. Karen Hardin, Diversity Awardee —Essay Contest Winners 2024— Brianna Kinney – Grade […]
2024 Town of Paradise Valley Martin Luther King Jr. Essay Contest All 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students are invited to submit an essay on this year’s theme. There will be one winner picked from each grade level, and these winners will be announced in January 2024. Each grade level will have one winner. Winners […]
Our MLK Event for 2023 for the 25th Anniversary in 4K UHD resolution and enhanced audio (tap or click on the center of the video to start playing, select ⚙️ 2160p 4K for best quality and the square on the bottom right or keyboard ‘f’ to view in fullscreen): If the video above does not […]
Highlights of the upcoming program: Silver Jubilee, 25th Anniversary —Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration, Town of Paradise Valley— Nicolas Mentha, MCWilliam ‘Doc’ Jones, Jazz MusicJerry Bien-Willner, Mayor Town of Paradise ValleyBadi-Nur Amini, Prayer for AmericaMarvin Perry, Diversity Awardee —Essay Contest Winners 2023—Victor Waters-Yánez, 5th GradeAlex Ekpo, 6th GradeJesse Clarke, 7th GradeLili Chaidez, 8th Grade […]
It is the distinct honor of the Committee for the MLK Celebration of Paradise Valley to announce the Essay Contest Winners for 2023! 5th Grade: Victor Waters-Yánez 6th Grade: Alex Ekpo 7th Grade: Jesse Clarke 8th Grade: Lili Chaidez
2023 Paradise Valley Martin Luther King Jr. Essay Contest Essay Competition: Students attending 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade are invited to submit an essay on this year’s theme. There will be one winner picked from each grade level. Winners will be announced in January 2023. The winners will be given a Trophy and Gift […]
Interested in volunteering to plan next January’s 25th MLK Jr Day Celebration? If so please email our co-chair, John Wintersteen, jdwintersteen@gmail.com. Please include your email address.