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Join the ongoing discussion series!

Announcing year-round discussions on Dr. King’s vision and actions Here in Paradise Valley, discussions on the vision of Doctor Martin Luther King Junior’s vision for our nation and for the world are not just a program that happens on single day. Through a series of regular events, we have the opportunity for year round discussions. […]

2019 Event Details

Town of Paradise Valley cordially invites you to the Celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday January 21st, 2019 at 11am. Theme: “Creating the Beloved Community.” Award Recipient and Keynote Speaker: Dr. Neal Lester. Address: 6401 E. Lincoln Drive Paradise Valley, AZ 85253. For more information call 480-443-3099 or 602-390-3124. Website:

2019 Essay Contest Announced: Creating “the beloved community”

2019 Paradise Valley Martin Luther King Day Essay Contest Students attending middle school in Paradise Valley are invited to submit an essay on: Creating “the beloved community” – Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay Competition The top 4 essays from grade levels 5, 6, 7 and 8th will be given an award during the Paradise Valley Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration in […]

Monthly Healing Racism Dialogue

On February 28th 2016 at 2pm in Paradise Valley, there will be an open Community Dialogue on healing the ill effects of racism. This will be a follow-up discussion to the MLK Day Celebration. We encourage everyone to participate and help in the process of building united and sustainable communities. If you are interested in […]

Event Recap: Article from PV Independant

By: Shahram (Shez) Partovi, PV Resident  Jan 26, 2016  The journey towards race unity may not be simple, yet it is among the most profound and meaningful charges of our civilization. If each of us contributed to that journey in some manner, we would transform our communities and our nation. Dr. Martin Luther King Junior […]

Event Date and Time Announced

Town of Paradise Valley cordially invites you to the Celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday January 18th, 2016 at 11am. Theme: “Lead By Example.” Award Recipient and Keynote Speaker: Shirley L. Mays. Address: 6401 E. Lincoln Drive Paradise Valley, AZ 85253. For more information call 480-443-3099 or 602-390-3124. Website:  Please […]